

My name is Kevin, and I serve as Lead Pastor of Karis Church in Columbia, Missouri. I’ve been putting thought to paper since childhood. I’ve been using fountain pens to do that for just a few years. I love communicating through the written word. I enjoy doing it with a good pen and ink.


Kevin P. Larson @Pastorandpen

I spend my time writing sermons, reading theology, and thinking about how to make God’s word practical to everyday life. I’ve been married to Amy for over 17 years. I have three children: Hadley (15), Melia (13), and Kylen (11).

I hope you enjoy this website. It’s my prayer that it will help you connect your small story into God’s grand story, that it will give you a deeper love for God and for His people, the Church, and that you’ll enjoy even more God’s small but wonderful gifts along the way.

(Disclosure: This website uses affiliate links. This means I can receive Amazon or Ebay credit when you click on a link and make a purchase. These credits will only be used to acquire more pens, inks, and such. I’ll put them back into the hobby and review any products on this site.)